Our Vision & Mission

We are working to create a world where justice enhances well-being for all.

We are working to build a world where justice ensures strong, healthy communities for everyone. To accomplish this, we partner with teams from local, state, and tribal jurisdictions to improve their systems of justice and advance community well-being. We support teams that include different perspectives and voices, share our expertise and experience, promote research-informed and emerging promising practices, and facilitate systemic and sustainable change.

The History of CEPP

Advancing Pretrial Policy & Research

CEPP leads APPR, an ambitious project promoting just, effective, and equitable pretrial policies and practices. Training, research, and technical assistance are offered to jurisdictions nationwide.

Understanding Diversion

CEPP creates this comprehensive resource to share a framework for deliberate, goal- and outcome-based diversionary options—providing a much-needed resource to the field.

JRI Maximizing State Reforms Project

CEPP works closely with four states to support and assess the impact of their JRI reforms—providing technical assistance and advice on their performance measurement efforts.

Dosage Probation

CEPP develops an evidence-based model of probation supervision that bases the length of supervision on the successful completion of risk-reducing interventions rather than fixed probation terms.

Building Capacity to Reduce Sexual Victimization

CEPP encourages sexual assault prevention coalitions and sex offender management practitioners to coalesce around preventing sexual assault.

JRI: Local and Tribal TA

CEPP works with nine local policy teams to identify and implement data-driven reforms aimed at reducing spending on jails and probation and reinvesting the savings in the community.

National Parole Resource Center

CEPP creates NPRC to promote evidence-based practices and improve outcomes for people on parole. NPRC trains hundreds of stakeholders and creates an expansive library of parole resources.

Evidence-Based Decision Making Initiative

In partnership with NIC, CEPP establishes EBDM to promote collaborative, research-based decision-making across the justice system. EBDM continues into 2021, providing assistance to 28 jurisdictions.

Transition from Prison to Community Initiative

With a focus on the many people returning to communities from prison each year, CEPP partners with 14 state teams to develop and implement model transition plans to support successful reintegration.

National Resource Center on Collaboration

CEPP provides training, technical assistance, and online resources to encourage collaboration within and across justice agencies to support transformative system change.

Criminal Justice Systems Project

CEPP assists policymakers in eight local jurisdictions to develop and implement coordinated, purposeful, and cost-effective correctional and pretrial policies to reduce incarceration.

Center for Sex Offender Management

CEPP launches CSOM, the first national clearinghouse and training and technical assistance initiative focused on the effective management of people who have sexually offended. CSOM runs through 2016.

Intermediate Sanctions Project

In light of the critical role local sentencing plays in rising incarceration rates, CEPP engages with 49 counties and courts to develop and implement alternatives to jail and standard probation.

National Jail and Prison Overcrowding Project

In its founding project, CEPP develops a collaborative, policy- and data-driven approach to working with state and local multi-disciplinary teams to reduce rising incarceration numbers.

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