Strengthening community well-being

We consider every interaction with a person an opportunity to reduce harm and promote positive change. We work with partners looking to improve their programs and practices in ways that support people, make neighborhoods safer, and benefit the broader community.

CEPP Justice Policy ...

CEPP seeks to ensure that currently and formerly incarcerated people have opportunities to apply their lived experience, collective skills, and intell...

A Case Study on the ...

The Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP) convened a small group of criminal justice leaders to examine strategies for adopting evidence-based too...

Crime Prevention Thr...

CEPP is working with the Colorado Department of Public Safety on the Crime Prevention Through Safer Streets Grant Program, a new initiative to evaluat...

CEPP’s Racial ...

CEPP recognizes that racial inequity and disparity persist at every phase of the criminal legal system, with devastating effects on BIPOC communities....

Community Supervisio...

The Community Supervision Resource Center (CSRC) serves as a centralized hub for pretrial, probation, and parole supervision agencies around the count...

Delaware Reentry Pro...

Through a grant from JPMorgan Chase, CEPP worked with the Delaware Correctional Reentry Commission (DCRC) to summarize the current reentry landscape i...

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Reimagining justice solutions
Advancing system change
Addressing unique needs