News Story

Domestic Violence Awareness Month at CEPP

The Latest from CEPP October 2022

CEPP recognizes the importance of developing evidence-based policies and practices that address domestic violence and its long-term impacts. The National Resource Center on Justice-Involved Women (NRCJIW), a project of CEPP, uses a trauma- and gender-responsive approach that is informed by women, including those impacted by violence. Advancing Pretrial Policy & Research (APPR), CEPP’s pretrial initiative, acknowledges the tension between some of the goals of pretrial reform and survivors’ safety, and we make sure to take direction from survivors themselves.

CEPP is working with jurisdictions across the country to explore innovative ways to address domestic violence and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV). This newsletter spotlights the following activities:

  • APPR’s Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Support 101 Training
  • Our Gender-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Prison Operations project with NRCJIW
  • NRCJIW’s resources to support justice-involved women

Click here to read the latest from CEPP.


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