
Community Supervision Resource Center (CSRC)


The Community Supervision Resource Center (CSRC) serves as a centralized hub for pretrial, probation, and parole supervision agencies around the country. The Center for Effective Public Policy, in partnership with the Center for Justice Innovation, the American Probation and Parole Association, the Association of Paroling Authorities International, and the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies, manages the CSRC.

Our Approach

The CSRC synthesizes and translates emerging research on supervision strategies, offers trainings and webinars, develops needed resources, offers technical assistance, and announces both private and public funding opportunities. A variety of the nation’s top subject matter experts contribute to the CSRC, ensuring that community supervision agencies have the most reliable information about specific topics such as violent crime, gender-responsive interventions, community violence interventions, and populations with specific needs.

CSRC training, technical assistance, and resources focus on a broad range of topics related to community supervision evidence-based practices, including an intentional focus on racial equity and centering the experiences of people and communities impacted by the criminal justice system, supervising those assessed as having the highest risk to recidivate or engage in violence, and the role of supervision agencies in community violence initiatives.

The Impact

The CSRC fills the gap and serves as the “go-to” source for information, training, and technical assistance for those responsible for pretrial, probation, and parole supervision. Through its website, people in the community supervision field can access new research, share their innovations, or learn about training and funding opportunities.

As a result of the CSRC, the tens of thousands of people working in this field will be better equipped to succeed in their roles, and ultimately, their ability to advance the field and improve individual, system, and societal outcomes will be enhanced.