
Supporting the Implementation of the Public Safety Assessment in Mariposa County, CA


CEPP supported the implementation of the Public Safety Assessment (PSA) in Mariposa County, California, with tailored technical assistance and training through its Advancing Pretrial Policy & Research (APPR) initiative.

Our Approach

Pretrial assessment—through resources like the PSA—helps identify who is likely to succeed on pretrial release. The goal is to improve outcomes for people impacted by the criminal legal system. These outcomes can include higher rates of pretrial release and less use of financial conditions of release—outcomes that do not negatively impact crime or court appearance rates.

Mariposa County used the APPR Learning online workspace, a virtual learning site with relevant content and resources exclusively for the pretrial field, to help guide them through the PSA implementation process. CEPP provided specific guidance on what must be accomplished before PSA implementation and reviewed Mariposa County’s PSA materials, including the PSA Scoring Manual, Violent Offense List, and Release Conditions Matrix. After the PSA was implemented, CEPP completed an on-site visit where a quality assurance audit was performed to ensure the PSA was scored accurately. CEPP’s tailored, comprehensive support included ensuring that Mariposa County explored improvements that promote the safe, efficient, fair, and timely pretrial release of individuals as outlined in State Senate Bill 129 (SB129).

The Impact

With CEPP’s knowledge and support, Mariposa County better understands how to use the PSA, in combination with other pretrial improvements, to make smart, intentional pretrial decisions and build strong pretrial programs.

Judicial officers now have another tool for their toolbox to make more informed, fair, and less restrictive release decisions to help people address their underlying needs and make the community safer.