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Diversion 101: A Synopsis of Pertinen...

Pretrial justice

Overview of the research on diversion and the limitations of this research

Diversion 101: The Guiding Principles...

Pretrial justice

Eight core principles that underly the development of diversion programs and services

Diversion 101: Diversion Opportunitie...

Pretrial justice

Examination of the purpose of, and options for, diversion at key justice system decision points

Diversion 101: Using the “What Works”...

Pretrial justice

Summary of how “what works” research can be used to determine who should be considered for diversion

Diversion 101: Do Diversion Options P...

Pretrial justice

Response to a frequent concern: Does diversion put community well-being and safety at risk?

Diversion 101: The-Purposes of Diversion

Pretrial justice

Four purposes of diversion

Diversion 101: What Is Diversion

Pretrial justice

Summary of what diversion is and what it is not

The Public Safety Assessment

Pretrial justice

Summary of the effectiveness of the Public Safety Assessment in predicting pretrial outcomes

Legal Landscape of Pretrial Release a...

Pretrial justice

Analysis of pretrial release and detention laws in Alabama

Legal Landscape of Pretrial Release a...

Pretrial justice

Analysis of pretrial release and detention laws in Georgia

Legal Landscape of Pretrial Release a...

Pretrial justice

Analysis of pretrial release and detention laws in North Carolina

Legal Landscape of Pretrial Release a...

Pretrial justice

Analysis of pretrial release and detention laws in Washington