Advancing system change

We promote collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts that lead to transformative change around how decisions are made and business is conducted. We help build highly effective teams, provide training on research-based practices, and provide customized services to support improved outcomes.

CEPP Justice Policy ...

CEPP seeks to ensure that currently and formerly incarcerated people have opportunities to apply their lived experience, collective skills, and intell...

CEPP’s Racial ...

CEPP recognizes that racial inequity and disparity persist at every phase of the criminal legal system, with devastating effects on BIPOC communities....

La Crosse County Rac...

Racial inequity and disparity persist at every phase of the criminal justice system. These disparities devastate the lives of people impacted, their f...

Expanding Stepping U...

CEPP has partnered with the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center to develop guidance as CSG’s Stepping Up initiative expands to include a...

Community Supervisio...

The Community Supervision Resource Center (CSRC) serves as a centralized hub for pretrial, probation, and parole supervision agencies around the count...

Kansas Innovations i...

Between 2007 and 2017, the state of Kansas experienced the country’s seventh-highest increase in incarceration rates. Over one-third of incarcerated p...

More Issue Areas

Reimagining justice solutions
Addressing unique needs
Strengthening community well-being